Together for Development / Eswatini

ogether for Development is the UWC Short Course in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). In a world where extreme poverty, shocking inequality and unfair exclusion persist, the need for change is more pressing than ever.
Now in its fifth edition, this year’s course will bring together 30-50 young people from around the world to critically engage with the concept of development and deeply understand the issues involved. Above all, we will empower them to become effective, empathetic change makers.
The course covers topics ranging from development theory to arts, creativity, environmental sustainability, gender and activism, while also offering an in-depth introduction to Eswatini. Local NGO visits and community stays are a key part of the curriculum.
Together for Development is facilitated by a diverse and professional team from around the world, most of whom are alumni of UWC schools or short courses themselves. In addition to academic expertise, they also have on-the-ground experience working in development.
Dates: August 2021
Language: English
Location: Eswatini, Southern Africa
Application information: TBC
Application deadline: TBC
Course fee: The cost of attendance of the Short Course varies according the region you come from.
- If you are a resident of Eswatini the cost is E3000 (SZL)
- If you are a resident of any other African country the course fee is €600 (EUROS)
- If you are a resident of any other country outside Africa the course fee is €800 (EUROS)
Please note: The course fee does not cover any travel/visa related expenses.
Eligibility: We are looking for young people, aged 16 - 20, who are eager to learn and make the world a better place.
Scholarship availability: A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available. In addition, we can provide travel scholarships for some African participants only. Participants from other regions should only apply if they can cover their transport costs.
For more information: Visit our website, Facebook page, Instagram or email us.